How to Pass a Drug Test with Synthetic Urine

Different individuals are subjected to various kinds of drug tests, and one of which is the urine test. But everyone makes a bad choice sometimes. And it’s not fair if your life-time career is ruined because you smoke cannabis once in a while. Thus, everyone needs to know How to Pass a Drug Test.

Synthetic pee, which is also referred to as the fake pee, is easy to buy online. But not all of them are legit and work in times of need. Therefore, read this guide first. 

Selecting the Best Synthetic Pee

So what is the best urine for the drug test? This is one of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to urine drug testing. If you are reading this article, then you are in the right place. The synthetic urine that we recommend is the best and will help you pass the pee screen test. We have the fake urine kit which has helped many individuals who have been confronted with the issue in the past. From our reviews, you will get many positive reviews on our fake urine kit.

This is no doubt the best urine synthetic kit around since it comes with an easy to use a powder that helps in raising the temperature of the fake urine to the standard body temperature. This makes it not susceptible to suspicion. It is also cheaper than most of the synthetic urine kits around.

Hiding It

There are various places to cover up the synthetic urine if you have a supervised drug test depending on your gender. You can hide in the doors or the bra. You should, however, be careful that it does not spill or you are not caught in the act. Let us look at some of the places where you can hide the synthetic urine.

  • You can wear two shirts and put the synthetic urine between them
  • You can wear a belt under your cloth and attach the fake pee on it
  • You can also tape a container of the synthetic pee in the inner thigh
  • If you are a woman you can stash it in your bra, in between your breasts

When to Use

drug in bloodSince the fake pee mimics the clean human urine, it works for all the drugs that a user uses be it opiates, cocaine, and meth, just but to mention a few. It is critical to note that the utilization of synthetic urine mainly depends on the people that are supervising you. If they are strict and hawk-eyed, it might be difficult in using this kit. 

You may need to consult those around the company what the company’s policy on the positive drug test and gather as much information as possible on the drug methods that they use. There are some places whereby the candidates are allowed in the bathroom and give a test tube or cup to pee while in some places, one is required to do right in front of the lab technician.

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