How to Get Free Lyft Rides

Lyft service has become very popular with many avid city travelers, and the good news is that you can get free lyft rides if you know where to look. There are three ways you can get a free ride, and one of them is through a referral program through their website platform. The Lyft referral program offers $25 to an existing customer as well as the new customer they’re referring.

Free rides

Customer referral codeusing app on phone

As an existing customer, all you’ll need is to enter the new customer’s referral code when you sign up, and you’ll receive a free ride. When you sign up for the service, you’ll be given a referral code that you can share with other first-time Lyft customers, and when they use your code, you’ll receive another $25.

Pioneer program

The second method you can use to get free lyft rides is through the Pioneer Program. Lyft uses the Pioneer Program to introduce its services to new cities. When the company was introducing its services in Boston, new customers received the first ten rides free while new customers in New York received their first two rides without paying a cent.

If you’d like to know the number of rides you can receive in your city, simply sign up for this service and discover whether you’ve been automatically credited for the free rides.

Promoting friendly rides

The third method to get free lyft rides is to be on the lookout for cards promoting friendly rides on-demand. The company partners with establishments in almost 65 cities throughout the US to make these promo cards available to people who are on the move.

However, please note that these referral cards are for new customers who will enjoy a discount the first time they use the service, but that doesn’t mean existing customers are left out of the loop.

There’suber lyft a common misconception that once you start using Lyft, you’re no longer eligible for new users’ promotions. That’s not true because there are exclusive promo codes that you can find, which will enable you to enjoy a $50 discount on your next ride. Please note that such promo codes are valid for a limited time, and so you need to hurry if you don’t want to miss out.

The next time you’re attending a special event, be on the lookout for Lyft coupon codes. Lyft supports musical and sporting events, and always provides promotion campaigns before major holidays. The next time you attend that rock concert or hook up with your family during Mother’s Day, make sure you search for Lyft voucher codes and enjoy huge discounts on your fare.

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