Get Your Dental Problems Attended To By The Specialists

Finding the right dental care is not as easy as visiting any dentist you come across in the street. It involves doing some research to identify the right dental practice for your needs. If you are looking for a practice that offers you advanced dental solutions, you need to visit On this website, you will find information about the Advanced Dental Concepts clinic based in Hammond, LA.


Free Consultation

Our dental practice has a welcoming special offer for new patients that includes a free consultation if you awoman opening her mouth re considering implants. The special offer also has a free Orthodontic consultation if you are thinking of getting a Dental Invisalign. On your first visit, you also qualify for a highly subsidized new patient exam. This dental procedure comprises of teeth examination, cleaning and a dental x-ray in case one is needed.

Broad range of services

As a dental practice committed to taking care of you family’s teeth, we offer a wide range of services. Apart from the general dental services such as teeth cleaning and extraction, we also offer cosmetic dentistry services. In case you or any member of your family needs to improve their smile, we have got your back.

Specialized service

We are specialists in dental implant restorations, bonding, insertion of veneers and teeth whitening. Technological advances in the dental field have made it possible for patients to enjoy a superior level of care. At Dental Concepts, we have adopted the latest technologies to improve your treatment. Some of the technologies we use include taking digital x-rays, the use of air and aqua abrasion, sedation dentistry and intraoral imaging among others.

Restorative dentistry solutions

If you have had the misfortune of an accident that damaged your teeth, we have the necessary restorative dentistry solutions. In case the situation calls for dentures and partials, dental surgery root canals or white fillings, we will take care of you. Should your teeth need non-surgical gum treatments or crowns and bridges, we have the necessary expertise to restore your smile.

Whether you live in Hammond, Springfield, Albany or any of the areas around Louisiana, you are welcome to book an appointment for our services. Our team is made up of experienced dentists that are specialists in their fields or practice. Our services are extremely affordable because we care about your health. You can make huge savings by having your dental problems attended by our highly qualified dentists since they will take care of your teeth once and for all. We humbly request you to visit us or learn more about us here at

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