Features Of ShowBox: Why You Need It

filmIt’s beyond doubt; ShowBox is an app that is here to stay. This app is absolutely free, and it has no hidden costs, subscriptions, or limitations. To access this app, you don’t have to login or register—you just have to download it and enjoy your favorite shows.

That’s not all, in addition to watching movies, you can also maintain track of your favorite TV shows as well as the latest episodes. For these reasons, ShowBox has been rated among the best apps. However, the fact that it is not available in the Google play store is making most people go nuts. Well, don’t fret. This app is available at Downloadshowboxapp.com, and here are some of its features.

  1. Movies

This is one feature that has made ShowBox the choice of many. This feature allows you to filter all your collections such that you only have movies. It will then be upon you to choose genres and titles you want to watch.

  1. Favorites

This feature makes it possible for you to put together your favorite TV shows and movies, making it easier and faster to access them. It also allows you to divide TV shows and movies into subcategories.

  1. TV shows

If you opt to watch TV shows instead of movies, this app is still your perfect companion. It grants you access to various TV shows and makes searching between seasons and episodes extremely easy.popcorn


Many times, you would like to track TV shows and movies that you have already downloaded. Well, this Android app allows you to do exactly that. Basically, this feature is a folder that allows you to track all downloads.

  1. Updates

If you want to stay informed and up-to-date with new episodes, then this feature guarantees you exactly that. The best part is that you don’t have to be constantly checking for announcements and release dates.

  1. Search

This is a crucial feature meant to make work easier for you. It helps you to narrow your collection as per your search keywords. All you need to do is to key in a title of your movie or TV series, and ShowBox will do the rest.

With its features, offers, simplicity, and updates, ShowBox guarantees satisfaction. Remember you don’t have to go through any signup or registration process; neither do you need subscriptions or fees. It will be just you and HD movies and TV shows to search and enjoy! Simply put, this app is specifically tailored for you, movie lover.

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